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Summer Vacation Countdown: 11

I'm feelin' a little bit better now. The pain has slowly shifted to my back now but there's still occasional pain in the front to the left of my stomach. Right now I'm ok, but earlier today, the pain would come and go. It's basically a mind over matter kind of thing. The vice principal today was insisting that I go see a specialist. I've noticed that anytime the Japanese get the slightest feeling of being sick, they must go see the Dr.! I just don't get it. I never went to the Dr. when I was a kid. The only time being when I was diagnosed with Kawasaki Syndrome. Mom taught me to just wait it out and if it's still around for a couple of days, then it's serious enough to go the Dr.!

So I'm a little upset that my TV program wasn't on today. Oh well...there's always next week I guess.

I was planning on goin' to see Yu perform tonite, unfortunately, I totally forgot about how Japanese clubs are. They stay open til 5am! Since the trains stop running @ around 1am-ish, most people wait til the first train in the morning to go back home. I wasn't about to try and do that! Oh well...guess I'll have to wait for another performance after next week!

Found out about this sunset boat cruise next month on my father's friend's boat. Should be pretty koo...gonna try to find out who else wants to go. It's only 3000 yen with a drink and a couple of appetizers!

Well...for practice I'll post another pic for ya'll!

This is a pic taken a couple weeks ago at my buddy's performance/ surprise birthday party in Roppongi!

Kaz out...
