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Summer Vacation Countdown: 10

Well...I thought I was feeling better, but right now, I'm kinda in a little bit of pain. I have no frickin' idea what's wrong with me.

Took Kotaro out to dinner for his belated birthday. We went to this new restaurant near Funabashi station. It was pretty nice inside, however the food was aite. Found out that Ko's dad is a Urologist! So I'm gonna go see him sometime soon. Anyhow, it was koo kickin' it with Ko and reminisce on the old school Eden days. Got so caught up in talking, didn't realize we were at the restaurant almost 4 hours!!!

At school today, finished grading the 8th graders' on their reading. Ahhh...I almost forgot! Today's lunch was quite interesting. Since Takahashi sensei helps me pick my lunches (he translates what I can't read on the menu) he knows what I like and what I don't like. So today we picked the same lunch, lunch B. It was Yakisoba. Lunch A was curry rice. On lunch B, there was this side dish that looked like sweet and sour pork with potatoes. So I was stoked! However as we sat down next to some 7th graders, Takahashi sensei reveals to me that we should I have chose Lunch A! I replied, "Uh...why???" He then proceeds to tell me that the "pork" might actually be LIVER! So as he begins to eat one, he gives me the A OK sign, which I take as it's not liver. Boy was I wrong! I decided to eat it, but to my dismay, it was LIVER! YUCK YUCK YUCK!!!

I'd just thought I tell you about how convenient Japan is when it comes to paying bills. Back home, you have 2 options: mail in the payment or pay online. Here in Japan, you can go to most convenience stores such as: 7-11, Lawson, Daily Yamazaki, etc... It makes things so much easier for somebody who always waits to the last minute to pay the bill.

Well...I'm gonna call it a night....really tired and the pain in my back is starting to overwhelm me.

Kaz out...
