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Squash & Shabu Shabu

I'm pretty sore today from playin' like 5 games of squash and lifting yesterday. Man, that is one of the most intense activities I've ever done! Ami was tellin' me that it's one of the top sports to play to burn calories in a short amount of time. Both Ami and Sho beat me...but I attribute it to my lack of knowledge. After my 2 warmup games, I came back with a 3 game winning streak. This game is all about angles and the occasional lucky bounce. It's nothing like tennis! After our squash games, I was finally able to lift since leaving America. It feels good to have the "good" sore again.

Afterwards we went back to Ami and Sho's mansion (nice apartment) and then headed over to Ami's parent's house. This was my first time having shabu shabu in Japan. It was grubbin'...BUT I think my Mom's dao bin lo is better. It's always interesting during dinner time at this house, because everyone drinks. Ami can easily drink 7 beers, mama is about 5-6, and papa always mixes between sake, scotch, sho chu. Sho and I are probably the only mild drinkers...

Since Ami's older brother Hide was in town to see his g/f (who's 26 and pretty darn cute, is 12 years younger than him!) so when he got back home, Ami wanted me to speak to him in fast english. I didn't get a chance to talk to him that much when I first met him, but this time, we talked a lot of PDAs and other tech talk. His english is really good. I gave a watered down version of my speech and had him translate. I still can't believe Ami started to tear up when I was tellin' them bout my family history.

Since it was gettin' a little late, Ami and Sho, I thought, we're driving me to Makuhari Hongo eki, but drove me Keisei Tsudanuma eki (My connecting station). Sunday nights are always great at train stations cuz you'll always find a drunk either passed out or yellin' at the station employees. This time was the latter. So I had to quickly avoid the little altercation while I inserted my train pass and then proceeded to my train.

Today is a day off...so I'm just gonna chill. Was thinkin' bout goin' to Asakusa but...I'm kinda sore and it's raining. Just gonna clean up my place, watch some movies and work on my page. Aite...

Kaz out...
