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Since I didn't come home last night, I was unable to update my blog.

Before I even got to the place, I got a little lost...but was able to find my way and was still on time. My speech went ok. The audience's level of english was a lot lower than my previous audience. Had to have Matsumoto san translate every 4-5 sentences. However I was surprised that this one older man knew about the Niseis, internment camps, 442nd, etc. Afterwards, they treated to me for some food and drinks afterwards.

I met up with Ami @ Kaihin Makuhari eki and we went to get some drinks and food. I can't believe how much this girl can drink! We had some good food and don't really remember how many drinks. @ around 9:30ish...Ami's husband, Sho came to join us. We then had more food and more drinks. We at the restaurant for about 4 hours! Since it was a little late, Sho and Ami let me crash at their house. Slept on an aero beds but my neck is a little sore from it. In the morning, Ami made me breakfast and then took me to the station. I was lucky that it started to rain when I as only about 5 min. away from my apt.

Got home today I did some much needed cleaning. Moved some stuff around to change things up a bit. It's almost 3 months now that I've been in my apt.!

Tomorrow is supposed to pour...maybe 2.5 cm (1 in). Probably go into work and drop off something for one of my students. Supposed to go to the dentist sometime this week. Will find out tomorrow.

Kaz out...
