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NEWS FLASH: Kitajima Kosuke breaks the world record in the 100m breaststroke.

Had to buy a pump for my bike cuz my tires are pretty flat. Been really lazy bout it...but it's gotten a little more harder to peddle lately...so it's something I should've done weeks ago.

Today had practice with Sawada and Yamashita (8th and 9th grade, respectively). Kinda having some problems with Sawada but i think it will just take time. Yamashita did rather well, which I expected. Her pronunciation is really good.

For school sports, it's the semifinals for the city championships. Most of our teams didn't do too well. Our softball team lost in he last inning, vball team got swept, and some of our teams weren't even in the running. However, I think our girls bball team is going. After the speech practice, went to eat lunch with Yamazaki sensei (music teacher) and Takahashi sensei. Had some grubbin' ramen and then headed to Undo Koen for the baseball semifinals. I was surprised to of how much team spirit there was. Our side of the stadium was filled with parents, teachers and many students. We even had a little band that played while the girls cheered. A real koo experience that I was able to catch on video. The baseball team won and now will play in the championships tomorrow.

Today is Tuesday, so I have to update ya'll about my TV shows. Today's Oyako (mother/daughter) wasn't that great. Kinda boring. But B-Rap part of the show was pretty funny. They played the rhythm game which is too hard to explain with words. You really do have to see it.

London Hearts was really interesting. They did something I've never seen them do before. It was kinda like a dating show very similar to Elimidate with a Japanese twist. It was called "Survival". It started off with 4 guys & 4 girls. The hosts will then pick a ball, which will determine if a girl or guy is first to be eliminated. After some time socializing, the host will ask the girls (if a male ball was picked) or ask the guys (if a female ball was picked) to make their decisions by messaging the host by their cell phones. What was weird is that they would replace that person with a new one. So the group always stayed @ 8. Then at the end, the guys will have to choose one girl they would like to go out with. But the girl has the option of saying yes or no. The guys always come up with the craziest things to say.

Long day tomorrow...so...i'm gonna call it a night. I'm tired.

Kaz out...
