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Just got back from Ikko. Ikko no Mamma brought back some Kumamoto no Nihon shuu (japanese sake) which I drank tonite. I had a really good time @ Ikko tonite cuz all my buddies were there. Even sang to GLAY songs! Need to practice when I go out with my Tokyo friends!!!

Today I went to the denist...first time in a long time!! I can't even remember the last time I've been to the dendist!!! Anyhow...it was an interesting experience! Found out that I have to go through this long @$$ procedure about this one rotten tooth that I have. Alll I know is that it's goin' take like 2 hours to fix and that I have to go back like hella times! The cool thing is that the dendist had this RF camera which projected my teeth onto this little monitor on the chair.

So what is goin' on with ya'lll????

Kaz out...
