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Due to some technical difficulties, I was unable to post last night.

A pretty chillin' day yesterday...was able to do some laundry and put my futon out in the sun. Lately haven't really had a chance to because of the rain.

I went to school yesterday because there was a baseball and basketball tournament. Got to actually see other teams play for a change.

After that, I decided to just bike around my town to check out what's in the area. Discovered some new things and even saw, what looked to be like a military base. Guards in camo and everything.

I then decided to head over to Ikko for some drinks. To my surprise, the place was packed! Let me first explain that this place isn't too big to begin with. Two tables and a little bar with about 8 stools. Everyone that I know from the bar was there. Momma was there and even Chi Momma (Momma #2), there was even one of Momma's friend helping out. She's a good singer! Plus, I got to meet Shacho (company president) who was taking some of his workers out. He was always filling my glass with so much sho chu and even giving me food! It was a pretty koo experience, cuz he hooked up everyone in the bar! The group last night probably went through 20 or so bottles of beer and at least 5 bottles of sho chu. After all the festivities, I glanced at my watch and saw that it was 23:30!!! As I was getting ready to go, all the people were trying to get me to stay to play Mahjong with them! I was pretty tired, so I respectfully declined and staggered home.

Well...gotta go run some errands and then go take Tajima and Yanase out to dinner @ Kaoru's restaurant.

Kaz out...
