Druken blog
I just thought i put my 2 sense in while I'm pretty much drunk off my @$$! I went to my local bar, Ikko, i got pretty faded. I sang like 5 karaoke songs!!! Even though they were pretty meesed up like myself...i sang a lot songs today. mostly grl songs....bt i don't hithk it reallly matered. I had a good tie tonite. I really can't stink stqraight right now. Don't know why i'm updating my blog rithgnow. but oh well.....it's all good. Id on't have to be at wrk til 10am tomorrow. so it's alllll good....
I aws able to kick it with Kitaguchi san and Takahashi san tnite
but otnite was very special becawse i got to meet Sakamoto ichiiban. So therewas 3 sakamoto's @ ikko tnite. Sakamoto ichiban (#1), Sakmott niban (#2) and me, Sakamotoo san ban (#3). I have pictres which I will upload ot my website tomorrwo.
i really don'tknw how I'm talkin' to Efqan right nowl....but I guess he's udnerstandin' me . I'm gnna call it anight....cuz i'm too fffffed to talk right now....sory yy if i offendedanybody. But oh well...deal wth it...rockl and roll!!!! (qu0te from Rules of atraction) okay....calilin' it anight.
I just thought i put my 2 sense in while I'm pretty much drunk off my @$$! I went to my local bar, Ikko, i got pretty faded. I sang like 5 karaoke songs!!! Even though they were pretty meesed up like myself...i sang a lot songs today. mostly grl songs....bt i don't hithk it reallly matered. I had a good tie tonite. I really can't stink stqraight right now. Don't know why i'm updating my blog rithgnow. but oh well.....it's all good. Id on't have to be at wrk til 10am tomorrow. so it's alllll good....
I aws able to kick it with Kitaguchi san and Takahashi san tnite
but otnite was very special becawse i got to meet Sakamoto ichiiban. So therewas 3 sakamoto's @ ikko tnite. Sakamoto ichiban (#1), Sakmott niban (#2) and me, Sakamotoo san ban (#3). I have pictres which I will upload ot my website tomorrwo.
i really don'tknw how I'm talkin' to Efqan right nowl....but I guess he's udnerstandin' me . I'm gnna call it anight....cuz i'm too fffffed to talk right now....sory yy if i offendedanybody. But oh well...deal wth it...rockl and roll!!!! (qu0te from Rules of atraction) okay....calilin' it anight.