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Being in Japan for just about 4 months now, time sure has flown by. Though my speaking has improved only minimally, my reading and listening have progressed nicely. Finally living on my own, has made me grow both in mind and spirit. Experiencing life in another country is something that all of you must do so in your life. Moving away for college was one step...but moving to another country is a whole new world. I've been fortunate to be surrounded with a lot great people who are making my life in Japan a great experience. I have my father to thank for that.

I thank all of you who have kept in touch these past 4 months. It truly means a lot to me because I enjoy hearing what's goin' on back home. For those of you who haven't heard from me I haven't forgotten any of ya'll. Just been busy with lots of stuff but that should change because I'm on summer break. So please be patient.

  • Our baseball team lost the championship game today. So no "state" championships.

  • Finished the 7th grade dialog with Takahashi sensei but Takeuchi sensei said he wanted something more "dramatic". I want the dialog to be natural English...not something cheesy. Oh well...

  • Mikami san gave me the extra bento for dinner tonite!

  • Kitajima Kosuke almost broke the 200m breaststroke record...beat the rest of the pack by more than 1.5 sec!

  • Soccer: Japan and Korea tied @ 1

  • Takahashi sensei invited me over for dinner tomorrow night. We're having sukiyaki!

  • Not sure what's up with this weather. It's still raining and it's almost August!!! I guess this is better than being super humid.

Alrite...gonna eat dinner now.

Kaz out...
