Yesterday was an interesting day. At school, I had to test the 8th grade girls in reading pronunciation as well as comprehension. It was the first time that I had to do this. I graded a little hard at first which is why I feel kinda bad for the first class.
When I came home yesterday, I was shocked to see that a house near my apartment is completely gone, replaced by a parking lot! It took but 2 days to clear EVERYTHING away!
This weather is really getting to me. I think I'm getting these rashes from the heat and humidity. But now I know that while I'm at school, I can go to the office to cool down. It's the only place that has A/C!
David Beckham is in Japan right now and the Japanese treat him like a GOD!!! I swear, he's one of the most famous people in Japan, despite being a foreigner. The Japanese refer to his new hairdo as "samurai" like. Even his wife, Victoria (Posh Spice) is pretty popular. A coverboy for J-Phone(A division of Vodaphone) his face is everywhere. With his new contract with Real Madrid, not sure how that's gonna affect his endorsements because Real Madrid is sponsored by Siemens Mobile.
Just found out that Brandon is able to take some time off now to come to Japan. Hopefully he can get on the same flight as Thuy.
I really need to clean up my's getting a little messy. Maybe tomorrow.
I also broke down and bought my Air Flight Huaraches. They finally came out with the OG colors. However, it's a little different. Not exactly like the originals but will do.
Today I'm off to Tokyo for a friend's birthday. His band is performing in Roppongi, but we're also throwing him a surprise birthday party.
Kaz out...
When I came home yesterday, I was shocked to see that a house near my apartment is completely gone, replaced by a parking lot! It took but 2 days to clear EVERYTHING away!
This weather is really getting to me. I think I'm getting these rashes from the heat and humidity. But now I know that while I'm at school, I can go to the office to cool down. It's the only place that has A/C!
David Beckham is in Japan right now and the Japanese treat him like a GOD!!! I swear, he's one of the most famous people in Japan, despite being a foreigner. The Japanese refer to his new hairdo as "samurai" like. Even his wife, Victoria (Posh Spice) is pretty popular. A coverboy for J-Phone(A division of Vodaphone) his face is everywhere. With his new contract with Real Madrid, not sure how that's gonna affect his endorsements because Real Madrid is sponsored by Siemens Mobile.
Just found out that Brandon is able to take some time off now to come to Japan. Hopefully he can get on the same flight as Thuy.
I really need to clean up my's getting a little messy. Maybe tomorrow.
I also broke down and bought my Air Flight Huaraches. They finally came out with the OG colors. However, it's a little different. Not exactly like the originals but will do.
Today I'm off to Tokyo for a friend's birthday. His band is performing in Roppongi, but we're also throwing him a surprise birthday party.
Kaz out...