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Rain, Rain and more Rain...

So what do you all think of the rain? I really enjoy when I can chill at home drink some ocha and watch movies or play some video games, but when you have to travel in it, it really sucks! Since it's summertime, it's pretty warm while it rains, very similar to Hawaii. And also since I'm hot-blooded (not warm-blooded) I tend to be very sensitive to heat and especially humidity. So having to walk a lot and then either go inside trains or stores where it's feels like a furnace.

Well today I went to the keitai shop and payed for my phone. Afterwards I had some miso ramen and kurimu anmitsu (a Japanese dessert my sister introduced to me). Hey nechan! This place's cream anmitsu wasn't all that, plus it was pretty expensive.

Stopped off at the 99 Yen shop and picked up some laundry stuff and snacks. Upon coming home, I noticed I got my notice that my Yahoo! BB service is activated. Unfortunately I can't seem to get my connection working. Well...we'll see...hopefully I can get it hooked up shortly.

Well...gotta go clean up my apt...my buddy is gonna crash here tonite cuz he lives in Tokyo and we're gonna get some food and have some drinks. I also have to wake up early tomorrow to go to Disney Sea with Val and her host family.

Kaz out...
