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Ahh...what a long day! To start, I went to get a stomach check today. I had to take drink Barium so that my stomach would expand so that technicians can take x-rays of my stomach in every angle imaginable. After that, I headed to Shinagawa to update my status to Education Instructor which means that I can finally get a keitai (Cell phone). Upon talkin' with the NTT Docomo people, I found out that I need my bank stamp to complete the process. So in the end...I ended up not being able to get a keitai. I then went to Akihabara to look for a 128MB memory stick for my Clie, however the prices were a little high. Might have to just order from Buy.com and have it shipped to Japan.

Just got back from my local bar. Had some sashimi and nasu miso (eggplant w/onions & green peppers) and of course...4 Oolong Hi's. A little buzzed right now...

Anyhow...nothing more I can think of in this state of mind...but I might add something later.

Kaz out...
