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水曜日, 10月 25, 2006 by kaz



by kaz

labron james unbelievable 3's

hmm...guess who i have in one of my yahoo leagues...

金曜日, 10月 20, 2006 by kaz

Form Voltron

a trip down memory lane. other than robotech, probably one of my favorite cartoons growin' up.

it's been a while...

by kaz

huh? just been busy, as usual, with the normal grind of tryin' to make a livin' out here. wanted to let ya'll know that i'm alive & well.

have tons of pics to post but that will come at a later date...

so until next time, see ya when i see ya!

kaz out...


yonsei from cali experiencing his roots in the land of the rising sun.


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