月曜日, 3月 20, 2006 by kaz
brothers together...
yesterday, for the first time ever, all of mama's "sons" were together. tho it took a little bit of a struggle to get our oldest brother to come thru, he showed up to the dismay of his wife and newborn.
the last week of school is here.
kaz out...

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木曜日, 3月 16, 2006 by kaz
graduation, future
last friday was graduation. it was your standard graduation (this is my 3rd one) but i really felt that the student body president's speech was very moving. probably the best one so far.
it's been a hectic past 2 months, searchin' for not only a new job but a new place. the one place i thought i was goin' to get fell thru. so now i'm kinda back at square1. might have to go to my last resort which i really don't want to do, but time is runnin' out. as for jobs, got a few more interviews lined up. we'll see how they go...
only 6 more days of school left
kaz out...

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火曜日, 3月 07, 2006 by kaz
tears of joy & sadness...
today the 9th graders found out whether they got into the school they wanted. i would say that for the most part, i was sayin'
おめでとうございます but there were a few students who were cryin' their hearts out. a happy but yet a little sad day today...

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by kaz
has been a minute since my last update. just been super busy with all kinds of different things which include finding a new job and apartment.
next update TBA
kaz out...

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