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i'm happy to be typin' this post on my pb. after bein' w/o it for almost a week and havin' to resort back to usin' a pc for my everyday stuff made me realize how much i like osx and how much i love my pb keyboard. probably the best keyboard to type on whether it be desktop or laptop. plus, havin' a brand new, fresh hd, it's always fun to recalibrate all your settings, etc. was able to restore my music thanks to senuti, still need to find a way to get my photos back onto my pb.

the snow is still out there, even though it's been about 5 days now. at least the ice on my steps have finally melted away. goin' up and down that after a few drinks at nite, takes a lot of concentration...

tomorrow is the big january bday bash for eug & me. we're not goin' to our usual joint cuz we had a bad experience there last time. we goin' to this churrasco (brazilian bbq) place instead.

in da news

- ddr (dance dance revolution) fitness program in west virginia!?!

- no more booth babes @ E3!?!

- bball: artest for peja. hmmm....sac is gettin' more and more ghetto... hopefully this will get them out of da gutter before artest goes thru one of his mood swings again...

- netflix to support both blu-ray & hd dvd

- an interstin' link sent to me from spamajama


  1. Blogger madden Says:

    glad to see the pb back up... you just weren't the same without it.