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24 & madden marathon weekend

this weekend was a pretty chill one. didn't do too much but watch like 5 discs (3ep/disc) and finish my 1st season of my madden franchise (won the superbowl w/carolina).

24: season 3 is pretty good, but up until the last 3 episodes, it hasn't been as good as season 1 or 2. i'll make a final synopsis after i watch the ending. next up...season 4 baby!!!

the madden franchise mode is pretty koo. playin' on all-pro level is really challenging. you have to work for everything. since the new passin' mode is totally different than in previous games, it took me a LONG time to get the hang of it (im still nowhere close in being proficient, as 29 ints for j.delhomme shows). they got the radio show and all the stuff you can do in da offseason is pretty dope. scoutin' college players, givin' them workouts, the draft (which is pretty realistic) and then restructuring/resigning players' contracts, etc...

this week's plan:

- finish 24
- get an ipod case
- get my re-entry permit
- finish makin' the 9th grade midterm listening test
- watch serenity (firefly movie)

kaz out...


  1. Anonymous 匿名 Says:
