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sometimes you just have to...

today, durin' 3rd period (the rowdiest 8th grade class), i had to unload the fury on one of the distractive students. i gave him many chances to get his ish together. first, just ignored him. second, stopped my lesson and gave him the stare down. it was only about 5 min later that kid decided to test my patience and receive strike 3. i raised my voice to about a 75% level and released the anger. i was debatin' whether or not to speak in japanese but it has been a long day already and i was tired. yamamoto sensei was kind enough to translate what i said to the boy but nonetheless, my point got across. didn't have a problem with him for the next 30 min.


just wanted to give bday shouts out to don & cal, 33 & 29, respectively.


  1. Anonymous 匿名 Says:


  2. Anonymous 匿名 Says:
