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月曜日, 8月 15, 2005 by kaz


i'm finally goin' back home after 'bout 21 months. can't wait to see my niece, fam & friends. next on that list is all the bomb @$$ food that i'm gonna consume.

aite ya'll...i'm outtie. see ya when i see ya!

kaz out...

金曜日, 8月 12, 2005 by kaz

now that i found out that blogger has a built in image uploader, i've decided to upload some random pics from the last 2 weeks. all photos taken with my brand new baby, panasonic lumix fx8 enjoy!

here's some roasted tuna head. utterly delicious!!!

by kaz

some grubbin' seared sushi

by kaz


by kaz


by kaz


by kaz

in da news:

- a great page 2 article about the seven deadly sins of sports

- summer sonic '05 startin' tomorrow!

would love to just check out da roots, but not too down to pay that high of a cover

- korean man dies after playin' starcraft for 49 hrs straight!

man, more and more of these cases are comin' out of korea. they got some issues over there....

- mac osx for intel cracked!?!

it was only a matter of time....

- a good article about the current dvd format war

not sure what to think. i'm leanin' towards blue ray...かな?

- angelina jolie has been granted cambodian citizenship

does that make her part asian now? ;b

so, it's been a pretty hectic lately, tryin' to get ready for my trip back home. can't believe i'm goin' back home. it's been like 21 months since the last time i was back. kids bein' born, ppl pregnant, ppl gettin' married...it's crazy yo. well...the weather isn't lookin' so good for the next couple of days. was plannin' on goin' to サマーランド, but the weather is kinda bad, it's hella far away, it's like $45 plus i still have to pack.

well, i'm off to run some errands....

kaz out...

木曜日, 8月 11, 2005 by kaz

in da news:

- sasaki strikes out kiyohara in final game

have some pics from the edogawa hanabi taikai, but since my pc is on da fritz right now, i'm still explorin' other options to upload pics. any suggestions? i'm currently messin' around with flickr.

mon nite, had dinner with shizu. went to this one restaurant that was havin' half off on beers. can't beat $1.50. met up with yoshi and his buddy toru and headed to cha cha. after that, headed to the late nite sushi joint. didn't expect to stay out so late.

on wed, went to the education center to teach the 4 new freshman teachers. the whole center was filled with all freshman teachers, so it was refreshin' to be around young teachers for a change. each of them did a sample lesson and it felt good to be able to impersonate the way my students are in class. made a lot of new friends.

finally watched honey. man, all i gotta say is that jessica alba is foine!!! hands down, easily on my top 5.

at school, got to see my 7th graders' speech for the first time. my 9th graders are ok. one of them can't seem to get his speech under 3 min. the other one came in with only 4 hrs of sleep. i sent him home early after addin' some more stuff to his speech. now i'm just chillin' in the a/c'd teachers' room. gonna go home soon. need to get stuff for my trip home.

aite ya'll,

kaz out...

月曜日, 8月 08, 2005 by kaz

nothin' much goin' on except gettin' ready to go back home.

in da news:


- apple introduces the mighty mouse!

- new apple store in shibuya

- itunes japan sells 1 million songs in the first 4 days!

been workin' at city hall the past 2 weeks. got to see a lot of: my father's friends, my sister's friends, as well as my friends. not a day goes by that i don't see an old friend.

probably the worst thing bout this situation is commutin' in da weather. man, i think humidity is the worst type of weather. which is another reason i can't wait to go back to the dry summer of cali.

the other nite, the 9th grade vball team mothers from my last year's school treated 戸板先生、教頭先生, and myself out to dinner. had some grubbin' tuna head, unagi and sashimi. got real tired and dozed off a few times. luckily i didn't have to bike all da way home.

went to costco for da first time. man, it's exactly like da costco back home. however this one was had 2 floors. one whole floor was filled with the exact same stuff back home and all da labels were written in english...i wonder if they know how to use some of the products if they can't read english...costco wouldn't be costco w/o the polish dogs and pizza. got the combo slice, polish dog and soda for about $5. not too bad. not sure if they have a kalbi bake there in da states, but they have one here. i picked up some shampoo and lotion. should last me for a year or so...

so they're doin' some crazy renovatin' at school these days. not sure what they're doin', but i know that they are installin' ethernet cable everywhere.

2 of my sister's friends took me out to dinner the other night. we went shoppin' for a bit before hand @ the loft. i've been wantin' a portable briefcase bag for a while now, but all the ones that i've looked at have been over $90 and @ the loft was the same. however, i went to the back of the bags section to where they were havin' a sale. i saw a nice one for $40. when i looked some more, i found one with a price tag of $5!?! i had to ask the shop girl if this was the real price and not a misprint. she confirmed it and i quickly swooped it up. probably the best deal i've come across in quite a while. for dinner, we went to this sushi place near the station. man, it was pretty good. got an overdose of various fish: raw, cooked, seared, fried, etc...

for da weekend, helped out ami's team with sho in makuhari. played for 4 hrs in a 33C gym. afterwards, cut my hair and then packed up to head to koiwa, where toita sensei brought her school, yoshida coach brought his team (from shizuoka), a team from gunma-ken and of course, hashimoto sensei's team @ koiwa 5 jhs. while on the train, saw tons and tons of peeps dressed up for the big edogawa hanabi taikai (fireworks festival). upon gettin' to koiwa station, it must've taken like 10 min., just to get from the platform to outside of the station. i've never seen so many people at this station before. izumi papa picked me up and we headed back to the school. the teams still were finishin' up some practice games. as always, i was greeted by the koiwa fam with a cold beer. they told me to go up to the roof and when i got there, i see like 4 tables filled with food and drinks as well as hashimoto sensei sprawled out next to the pool. it turns out that we're gonna watch the hanabi taikai from the roof. ishihara-san tells me that this is the 30th year for the edogawa hanabi taikai and that in all of japan, edogawa's hanabi taikai is the best. from the roof, we were also able to see matsudo's hanabi taikai. i went to edogawa's hanabi taikai last year but this year was totally different. it was great last year bein' right there, in a yukata with a girl ;b, but this year, i was in da pool, chillin', kickin' it with "fam". the next day, it was the second day of the practice games and i got to help out. but first, when we arrived at the gym, we had this awesome breakfast prepared for us. and of course, hashimoto sensei busted out the beer. it's frickin' 0800!?! yoshida coach always wants me to help his team out so with the help of miyamoto-san (who came later in da day). i always enjoy watchin' hashimoto sensei and yoshida coach run practice, cuz i learn so much from them. for some reason, hashimoto sensei decided to pick on his setter. after seein' 40 or so balls thrown, point blank @ her face, head & chin pushin' and even a foot to the shoulder while she was down, tears began to come out. i was surprised she lasted that long. i know it's the "japanese" way and it's only to make a point, but, man, it's quite uneasy for me to see. for lunch, we had some grubbin', and i mean grubbin' curry and niku jaga (a japanese stew). the potatoes were taken right from the garden of the school. took a little nap afterwards and then jumped into the pool again. chilled for a while, cleaned up and we all headed back to funabashi to hit up the onsen. man, onsens are great. so relaxin'. and rick got me hooked on drinkin' the meiji brand chilled coffee flavored milk afterwards. izumi mama & papa treated the onsen price as well as dinner. they're such great people out there in koiwa. it's nice to have a family there as well. a great, chill weekend.

came back to my hood and there were tons and tons of peeps comin' back from the self defense force's matsuri. drop by mama's for a bit cuz i haven't talked to her in a while and then went home.

kaz out...


yonsei from cali experiencing his roots in the land of the rising sun.


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