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well...it was my first classes with the 8th graders today. durin' the 2nd class, the kids were pretty out of hand and takin' advantage of yamamoto sensei. the normal stuff i just brush off, but when you start to disrespect the teacher, that's when it irks me. i usually don't blow up on the kids until at least the 2nd or 3rd month but today was an exception. i didn't yell but i did break it down to them. once they heard me angry (in japanese) they all went silent. yamamoto sensei proceeded to lecture them bout what they did and how they should deal with it. so after she finished, for about 35 min., yamamoto sensei didn't say a word. she pretty much stopped class after that. well...i hope things get better from here on.


kaz out...


  1. Blogger madden Says:

    way to regulate, kaz.

  2. Blogger kaz Says:

    just tryin' to do my thang. can't let da kids think they can just take advantage of me.