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mos burger just released their "pao" chicken & "pao" pork sandwiches. it's pronounced "pao" when read in japanese, but ya'll are probably more familiar as it bein' pronounced as "peking" (in peking duck).

so on my lunch break, i head over to mos burger near my house and am all ready to order the katsu sandwich. but when i get there and park my bike, i see this phat sign in front advertisin' this "pao" sandwich. so i was like, hmmm....maybe i'll try it. everyone else was too. the best way i can describe it is: peking duck bun, with peking duck sauce, grilled chicken with some other chopped vegetables. here's the website if ya can't picture what i'm talkin' bout.


  1. Anonymous 匿名 Says:

    Looks good. Will have to try one sometime in the future =)