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日曜日, 7月 18, 2004 by kaz

sorry for da lack of updates. been crazy busy lately. anyhow, expect da update tomorrow...

kaz out...

木曜日, 7月 08, 2004 by kaz

well...the real human bodies exhibit made its debut in the u.s.. i suggest anybody livin' in the la area to definitely check it out. it was one of the most fascinating things i've ever seen. to the weak of heart...beware. you might just be grossed out of your mind.

here's an article about the openin'.

by kaz

omg! man, it was one frickin' hot day today!! played vball and in the gym, it must've been @ least 35C (95F). i rung out my shirt and hella sweat came out!

the craziest thing tho was seein' toita sensei go crazy. i mean, i saw the devil today, boy! since maki-chan was screwin' up, toita sensei stepped in and just started to toss balls left and right, makin' her dive everywhere. and when maki-chan didn't get up fast enough, a fastball came right at her face. if she was on her stomach, then she got hit in the back. this didn't happen a few times but like at least 50 times!!! even when she got up, her face was met with a vball from about 2m (6.5ft). after that, toita sensei told her to go home. then, she just turned around and left the 9th graders by themselves and started doin' drills with the 8th graders. this brought so much attention, even the ping pong guys were all watchin' in awe. after that, durin' a quick meetin' and tons of snapped towels to the faces, the result @ the end of practice: 3 girls cryin' and a sprained ankle!!!

i really didn't know what to say to them when they came up to me after practice for advice. i was like "ummm...ya'll need to...talk more and shiet..."

not really sure if this level of discipline is actually constructive. it's one of those weird japanese things that i might never understand...

kaz out...

水曜日, 7月 07, 2004 by kaz


- lego spider man!

- the tmac/stevie franchise trade finally goes thru. hmmm...the rockets are gonna be interestin'... they still need a pg, and i don't think t.lue can get it done for them.

- sony announces it's new walkman!

- sony opens a concept store @ stanford shoppin' center

- cisco's crs-1 router is officially recognized by the guinness book of world records as the highest-capacity internet router @ 92 terabits!!!! it's capable of dl'in the whole printed collection of the us library of congress in 4.6 seconds!!! to put into layman terms...a dial up connection would take 82 years to dl the same amount of information.

- so you want to learn japanese???

happy belated bdays to b.fong and b.gee. ya'll are gettin' old!!!

a tough day with my 3-2 class. at first i thought it was because it's the first period of the day and that it was my trial run for my lesson, but after yesterday, i realized that it was the class and not me. they are a little slower, so now i need to redo my lesson plan to accommodate for this.

so i accepted the offer to come to my elementary school on the 17th, a saturday, as a volunteer to do some demonstration classes. they're actually for the one 3rd and one 5th grade class that are behind. afterwards, i have to give a speech @ mikie and junko's english club.

been chattin' it up with miura sensei a lot lately. i think of him as my senpai this year. we talk about all kinds of stuff. i teach him english and he teaches me japanese.

started playin' vball again. first day was just mild hittin'. it was miyamoto san last day to come to practice because of a change in work schedule. second day was more involved, but still not divin'. blockin' was pretty good. my hanashi was all in english cuz they got me upset yesterday cuz they couldn't understand my japanese.

had a good talk with kyoto sensei bout coachin' and how is style is a lot different than toita sensei's. i totally feel what kyoto sensei says...but toita sensei has made this team one of the best in our city for the past 2 years, so she must be doin' something right.

taught sensei some new phrases. "you can sell sand to the beach" and t.g.i.f. he's goin' to use them in school on friday.

the weather has been nice these past 2 days. actually got to school without sweatin'! let's see how long this cool weather holds up.

probably not goin' to go to q's event tonite. not in da mood to pull another all nighter. i really want to make it to my school's game on saturday.

got a call from kamazuka sensei askin' me if i wanted to go out with the teachers. we went out to eat and went to karaoke afterwards.

saturday was a chill day. got some cleanin' and laundry done. went to watch my school's soccer game but unfortunately they lost. they ended up finishin' 3rd in chiba prefecture. after that, headed out shibuya, went shoppin' (picked up angels and demons) then met up with fumie and shuko. went out to eat with ayako, her b/f and his 2 friends visitin' from spain. kinda weird situation, when ayako's b/f and shuko were speakin' to each other in french. we went lookin' for a place to go afterwards, but couldn't really find a place, so shuko, fumie and i decided to go to meguro. we went to karaoke for a couple hours , then ate some food. a long day indeed...

sunday was chill...only got 3 hrs of sleep before headin' back out to tokyo to help hiyori out with her research. met up with hiyori and takako in omotesando and went to various cafes, took pictures and jotted down notes.

came home, chilled and then went to ikko for dinner.

i took the day off on monday to go to shinagawa and get my visa and also my mult-reentry permit. then went to my health checkup but this time w/o my boss. so it was kinda tough to get through everything with my limited japanese, especially when it comes to medical terminology. after that, did some shoppin' and ate ten don cuz i haven't eaten since the night before. headed to ikko for a bit to chat with mama.

the weather sucks!!! man, it's been pretty frickin' hot these past few days. finished my last week 'a' before summer break and even got to play a little bit of bball with the girls' team. it was funny to see how they thought they could shake me...

kaz out...


yonsei from cali experiencing his roots in the land of the rising sun.


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