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月曜日, 6月 28, 2004 by kaz

here's to the one year anniversary of this blog

some interestin' links

- well here's some news that took place in my city.

- well...all you bmw owners, apple has announced seamless integration between the ipod and some models of bmws.

- what would you do if the internet went down?

- ever watched a movie and said, "hmmm...", well i have for you, movie cliches!

- an interestin' page. enter @ your own risk...

- the top 100 songs in american film

- dodgeball movie, the game!


friday; 06.18: school, sensei nomikai, hiyori's performance in roppongi

today was the last day for hashioka and ando, the student teachers. kae and i prepared for the demonstration lesson for 4th period. it went rather well i thought. only the principal, vice principal and other english teacher came, so it wasn't too much pressure. durin' afternoon, kyoto sensei lectured kae about her class and made her cry!? went to watch vball and gave some tips to the girls. kinda sucks that i can't play.

after school, met up with some teachers, faculty and the 3 student teachers at this one restaurant. we had some grubbin' food and drink. it was interestin' to drink with fujimori sensei and yabuuchi sensei. i talked art with yabuuchi sensei and he seems to have an interestin' perspective on who and why he likes certain artists. @ 2100, we all called it a night and went home.

i came home, took a shower and then was off to roppongi for hiyori's performance. first met up with takako and kuri and then we headed to this club called

kinda has a weird entrance. a normal size club for japan. the music they played was actually pretty koo. some good old school r&b, they even played "i'm cryin'" by shanice!? met some of hiyori's snowboardin' friends and just chilled pretty much the whole night cuz i couldn't really dance cuz of my shoulder. ended up talkin' with megumi for most of the night.

when hiyori's performance came up, i was like damn!?! i was really, really impressed. they mixed it up well w/koo beats. @ around 0500ish, we decided to leave the club and it was hella bright outside. we went to eat some ramen and then headed home. didn't get to my apt til like 0800!?

saturday; 06.19: chill day

slept in til about 1300ish and tried to clean up a bit. headed to ikko for dinner and then went to ueno to meet up with hide and ikko. went to this korean place for some food and drinks. ikko showed me her new ketai that she got, the p900i, one of the foma phones for docomo. it's frickin' dope! went to this grocery store to pick up some snacks, drinks and ice cream then went back to hide's. kaoru came by too but she couldn't find the way to hide's house (which is like a 8 min walk from her place) so we must've had like 5 phone calls, directin' her to hide's. watched ping pong, the first time for ikko and i but the 10th or so time for kaoru and hide. all in all, it was a pretty interestin' movie. some unique characters with funny dialogue. crashed out @ around 0100.

sunday; 06.20: flea market

woke up @ 0645 to get ready for the flea market. took a shower and packed up hide's van. went to go pick up kaoru and her stuff, then to ikko's. the next place was aki's, but she wasn't pickin' up her phone. we finally got her to pick up, so we swooped her up. seems as though aki just got home from partyin' the night before. she was hung over but still drunk!?!

luckily we got to the flea market and was able to check in. when we got to our spot and set up, aki was passed out! man...the weather was pretty frickin' hot. i got a tiny bit burned on my arms, but hide and kaoru got hella burned!!! when i walked around to look at stuff, i ended up buyin' this memory stick holder for 100yen. we all ended up buyin' hats to from our neighbor, aki bought 2. we still couldn't sell this one bag that was left over from last year. oh well...maybe next year. i got a good wayz into the art of war, but i'm still in the introduction.

after we packed up, then dropped off aki, then ikko's stuff, then kaoru's stuff @ her house. kaoru, hide and i went back to hide's place to chill with some ac. watched london boots' show called dragon. a pretty interestin' show that i've never seen before. the highlight was what they had to eat as a penalty. it was "honey...fish!!!" (sashimi dipped in honey) everyone gagged on it. i can't imagine what that would taste like.

anyhow...we went to this one place near hide's house for dinner. had some grubbin' new food. ten cha & niku dofu were the highlights.

after dinner, kaoru, hide & soramame (hide's dog), walked me to the station. then it was another 1 hr trip back home. kinda feels like i'm back home, makin' that late night trip to sac on sundays. however, that was 1.5 hours and it was a drive!

came home, chatted for a bit, noticed an ambulance come to my downstair neighbors, watched some pride fightin' and then went to bed.

monday; 06.21

back to school. felt really tired. classes were normal as usual. but man, it was frickin' hot! the weather has been pretty crazy. typhoon #6 is makin' its way thru japan right now, luckily bypassin' where i'm at, so all we got was a little rain and some strong wind.

in my first class, in our warm up game of bingo, nobody got bingo. this is very very rare, considerin' that the chances of not gettin' bingo are so minute. this week there isn't any club activities, so that the students can study for their finals. i left school promptly @ 1700, so that i could go home, take a shower and then head out to kita narashino to meet up with yu's family and go eat some indonesian food. on my way from the station to the meetin' place, i saw some of my old students (again) and after about 5 min of waitin', yu got there and then we walked to the restaurant.

found out that i taught the owners' oldest daughter last year @ nanabayashi. also found out that the girl's mom was indonesian. i thought she didn't look full nihonjin. anyhow, the food was pretty good. i had some indonesian beer and we got a good variety of indonesian food...which is pretty similiar to thai food. on my way home, i ran into 2 more of my students. this was @ around 2200ish, so i had to give them a little lecture, but after that, we were able to catch up a bit.

anyhow, caught the train and headed home.

tuesday; 06.22

on my way to school, saw 2 of my old students from nanabayashi. a frickin' hot day @ takane higashi sho. today is week b, so it's 5th and 6th graders. tsuji sensei let me borrow her cds so i can use it in class. i started off with the japanese version of the abc song but when i played it in the first class, i decided to change and go the real abc song...the one i grew up on.

durin' 3rd & 4th period, the 1st and 2nd graders went swimmin', so, all the 1st and 2nd grade teachers had to change into their bathin' suits. ; b

what's nice about the elementary school is that the office ladies always bring me coffee and tea while i'm in the teachers' room.

had lunch in 5-1 where the kids were askin' me all these questions. the whole environment at the elementary school is much, much different that at my junior high school. durin' lunch, they play music over the pa system and one student quizzes the class with some questions and then reads off the menu for lunch. then we all say "itadakimasu!". since it was too hot, i kicked it in the teachers' room durin' lunch recess. no way was i goin' to go outside to play.

durin' my last class, we had to stop the class again so that the teacher could remove the gokiburi (cockroach) from the room. the kids have a fascination with mushi (bugs). i don't think i did when i was their age.

on my way home, i heard somebody called my name and when i turned around, it was ezure-san and chi mama. they invited me over for dinner and drinks, i happily accepted the offer. = )

i was then bombarded with food and drinks. so much food and drinks that i had to take a little break, which ended up bein' for 2 hours. when i woke up, ezure-san was knocked out on the couch and most of the lights were dimmed. it was 2230 when i woke up and i still had a ways to bike home.

wednesday; 06.23

on da mornin' news, saw that some terrorists in iraq have a korean hostage and that they have beheaded him, just like the american. tsk tsk tsk...very sad.

ok, this weather is really gettin' to me. the heat rashes are startin' to surface. fortunately, i've been kickin' it in the office where they have ac. the teachers' room is so frickin' hot!

it was pretty much a review day for the 8th grade students. the 9th graders too. i got to read a bit more of the art of war and even studied some japanese. also recorded the listenin' portion of the tests for all grades.

after chillin', headed home and went grocery shoppin'. got some more dole popsicles and drinks. afterwards, headed to ikko for dinner.

had tons and tons of niku jaga, some horse sashimi and this unprocessed tofu stuff which was hella good!

came home and did some marketin' work for ba...spent almost 2 hours on that. it was the first nite that i decided to sleep in my livin' room (cuz that's where my ac is) and i must say, it really does make a difference. guess i'll be sleepin' there for the next 3 months!!

thursday; 06.24: first day of finals

woke up and checked the weather, it was already 21C!!! aiyah!!! got to school and sought refuge in the office. had to correct the vocab tests for the 8th graders and then proof the english final.

lunch was aite. after cleanin', the teachers had a recreation time, where we played table tennis & badminton. found out that fujimori and okamoto sensei are pretty darn good in table tennis. also found out that sekiguchi sensei played bball in junior high and she shoots with one hand!!

after rec, we all came back to the teachers' room for some fresh potatoes (from our school garden) and some ice cold tea. got to go home after that, yeah!

friday; 06.25: mike's sayonara party, yu's performance

today was the english final. we played the tape on the pa system. had to check to make sure the speakers were workin' as well as if we could be heard clearly. man, i felt bad for the 8th graders cuz their classrooms are on the 4th floor. after the english final, everyone gathered in the gym to watch a movie, which was about a area of kyoto where stereotypes/prejudices are still strong. i was able to understand about 80% of the movie. after the movie, we had a guess speaker which i didn't really understand too well. after that, i went back to the teachers' room and finished correctin' some finals. finally left school @ around 1700, went home, got ready and then headed out to shibuya. got there and it was rainy. met up with mike, yu, a-chan and setocchi. we went to this small yakiniku place where they had some good wa gyuu (japanese beef). hanzo came thru a bit later but then yu had to go to get ready for his performance. tons of food and 3 bottles of tantakatan later, we then headed to hanzo's to chill and then to garam. man, i was tired. had to take a little nap in the stairwell. a pretty good evenin'...from what i remember. @ 0500ish, i went home.

saturday; 06.26: recovery pt.1, soccer, marian's 70/80/90's party

got home, slept for like 3 hours and then headed to narashino high for school's soccer game. they won, 3-1.

came home, cleaned up a bit, cut my hair and did some laundry then headed out to ebina for marian's party. door to door, is roughly a little over 2 hours, yes, 2 hours! so i decided that i was goin' to crash there, cuz if i were to come back the same day, i would be at the party less than i would be on the train.

when i got there, was da only guy for a while. but a lot of people swung thru. a lot of peeps i recognize from past event(s) as well as many new faces both japanese and gaijin. as for the theme, we had a few peeps dress up. shaggy (scooby doo), punky brewster, cherry johnson, the golden girls and some other ones i can't really remember to well.

after chattin' it up til the sun rose, crashed @ around 0500ish.

sunday; 06.27: recovery pt.2,

woke up and after only about 3 hours of sleep. noticed that a total of 9 ppl crashed @ marian's. we chilled til about 12ish, and then headed to outback for lunch. had me some grubbin' lamb chops. it was kinda strange bein' @ outback. first off, it was my first time goin' to outback in japan, second, i was with all americans ('cept for one canadian), third, we had a gaijin server. everyone except me went to go see harry potter warnin', harry potter fans, please skip to next paragraph (jk rawlings y0^ f#@!%^n b!@t#*)

anyhow, it was another 2 hrs home which seemed like 3.5 hrs. saw some of my old students on da train. came home, took a shower and then headed out to kinshicho to chill with megumi.

went to this one little sports bar. nice place. they even had tantakatan there. lately, i've been noticin' more and more places havin' tantakatan. the food was pretty good too. we chilled there for the whole night but didn't get a chance to play pool.

monday; 06.28: back to school

found out that our soccer team won again on sunday. now they're in the top 4 of chiba prefecture. the funny thing is that we're the only junior high school in the top 4, cuz the 3 other teams are club teams (basically allstar teams). the next semis are next weekend. hopefully i can make it....from the beginnin' this time. = b

since we're givin' back tests today, there really isn't any lectures. so it's a chill day for me. tried to play battleship in one of the 7th grade classes, but it took way too long to teach them how to play. so we're gonna save it for the next time.

teachers' meetin' today, so i just chilled in the teachers' room for about 2 hours.

busy day tomorrow, gots my elementary school. supposedly there are 2 more typhoons comin' soon...

went to ikko for dinner. gochisoo yo!

土曜日, 6月 26, 2004 by kaz


木曜日, 6月 17, 2004 by kaz

i'm really bummed right now. durin' vball practice today, i dislocated my shoulder again!?!?!? goddammnit!!! i did it on off-set 4's!?! wtf!?!?!? can't fff'n believe it!? now, i'll be sidelined for at least 2 weeks! oh well...next week, there's no practice cuz of finals. but i'm gonna feel bummmed tomorrow when i go out, cuz i'll have to take care of kata (shoulder). anyhow...i drank lots of "kusuri" (medicine, if ya know what i mean tonite) so i think i'll be fine....however, i'm not gonna rule out the possiblitiy of separatin' my shoulder in da nite. we shall see....

aite then, i'm outtie yo! need to get my fff'in rest! pz!!!!!!

kaz out...

火曜日, 6月 15, 2004 by kaz

so i said i'd update on fri...well...it's tuesday now. maybe tomorrow, maybe not. who knows. just know that i'm alive and haven't fallen off da face of da earth.

kaz out...

木曜日, 6月 10, 2004 by kaz

i know i've been laggin' on da update but hey, it's my blog.

expect one tomorrow night (that's friday, jpn time for you geographically challenged)

kaz out...

火曜日, 6月 01, 2004 by kaz

ok, i'm back from paradise.

all i gotta say was it was a wonderful weddin' and just bein' able to chill was the best!

will update when i feel like it.

til then,

kaz out...


yonsei from cali experiencing his roots in the land of the rising sun.


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